WWW Wednesday

WWW Wednesday #8

Hello readers,

I’m back again with WWW Wednesday, it’s been a while since I last did one of these but it is a great way to keep the blog updated and let you know what I have been reading. WWW Wednesday is a weekly meme hosted by Taken on a world of words.

You have to answer the following 3 questions:

What are you currently reading?


This is a YA Cyber thriller that focused on Ada Lovelace, the daughter of a senator, that is sent to Reboot when she is caught in a hack, a Bootcamp to help teenagers disconnect from technology. This camp is the same one her best friend went before she committed suicide a week after she left. I am in the middle of it and liking it so far. Makes you think of how dependable we are in technology.

*I’m part of the book tour of this one so expect a book review soon

Vengeance in death

I’m also currently listening to the audiobook of «Vengeance in Death» by JD.Robb and it is fantastic. I love all the books I have been reading this series and the audiobook is actually pretty good.

What did you recently finish reading?

bad blood.PNG

The fourth and final book in The Naturals series. Wow!! I read this in one sitting and it was as fantastic as the rest of the series. I loved how the author managed to tell more about the past of the pending two characters (Michael and Lia) and how this connects to their current case. Fantastic.

What do you think you’ll read next (most probably)?


I’m in the mood to continue with mystery so I’m thinking of picking up some of these ones.

Have you read any of these?What are you currently reading or have recently finished?


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